Close Out Amazon Sale

In the next month or so, I will stop selling this book on Amazon, which has been the most affordable way for international people to purchase the book. Unfortunately, the sales have slowed to the point where I am paying Amazon to have the book available.

This is not surprising as I knew this would happen after a couple of years or so. Still, I wish I could keep it available on Amazon.

So, I have reduced the price to $25 and will keep it there until the end of March. Then, the book will no longer be available on Amazon.

You can preview the book and read reviews, as well as purchase it from Amazon via my online store using this link.

Of course, for those within the U.S.can purchase the book, using the same link, for $22, including shipping, or the sligh,tly-less-than-perfect edition for $10, also including shipping using this link.

My Next Frequency

Next in line are a few additions to my Frequency Series. These are small, enjoyable pieces just working with combining colors. So far, I have only concentrated on LGBTQ flag color combos, but I have in mind to do a few non-LGBTQ themes as well.

Lesbian Frequency, in progress. 8” x 10” | 20cm x 25cm. Kismet, colored cement.

This one, Lesbian Frequency, uses Kismet glass in colors as close as I could find to the Lesbian flag, or one of them, as there are a few variations. I may do one of those variations next. The first two frequencies, Pride and Trans, were made with vitreous glass. The Kismet is a little thicker, but quite uniform, and the cut surface is more akin to smalti, providing a nicer reflective quality.

The pieces are all cut and I’m ready to go!

When The Past Returns

Somewhere around 2003, when I was dabbling in a lot of different types of decorative mosaic applications, I made this clock using antique china, Van Gogh glass, and vitreous glass for the edge. It is actually a pretty little piece, with soft, aged gold highlights in the china which are not evident in the photos. It seemed to catch the eye of my mother-in-law, and when we visited Egypt for the first time in 2005, I gave it to her as a gift.

It is approximately 12” diameter, and I bought the mdf base and clock mechanism from one of the mosaic suppliers. It appears that I used a mastic for adhesive. How do I know this? Because of the remnants showing where a few of the edge tiles have fallen off, as edge tiles are wont to do.

After my mother-in-law’s death, I know that the clock was moved around and stored here and there. My husband brought it back on his return from his recent visit to Cairo. It is not at all my style, but I will replace the missing tiles and then figure out what to do with it.

Generally, at this point in my mosaic career, I know better than to apply tiles to an edge like this, especially on a wood base. But I know how tempting it is.

Theme and Variations: All Dreams, in progress

Previous Posts

I’m moving along rather slowly but in a more relaxed way than I am used to. All the creative energy was up front in the design phase. Now, I just have to follow the design, trimming and shaping each piece of gold into the closest I can get to a square or squarish rectangle.

Theme and Variations 36” x 57”. Mosaic gold.

Even with the grid, keeping the lines straight requires constant attention. The variation in the sizes and exact shapes of the pieces makes it easy to get wavy lines, which I am having more trouble with vertically than horizontally. I wonder why that is? I’m not shooting for perfection here, but I do need it to be a grid. I’ve had to make a few corrections as I go, and as the lines develop in length enough for me to both go wavy and see that I’ve gone wavy. There will no doubt be needed corrections when I finish the main work and before I get into the finishing work.

initially thought that this mosaic would take me through the end of the year, and I believe that to still be the case. In fact, I may not actually complete the finishing work until into 2020. Slow and steady.

Theme and Variations: All Dreams, in progress

Previous Posts

I’ve decided that I prefer the main title of Theme and Variations after all. And so it is.

Theme and Variations, in progress. 36” x 57” | 91cm x 145cm. Mosaic gold.

Theme and Variations, right side perspective

Here are a couple of in-progress pics—pardon my mess—as I am somewhere around 1/4 of the way through. The actual mosaic work of cutting and gluing the pieces is close to 1/3, but I think that the finishing work will actually be a chunk of work in itself.

Yes, there is cutting: I’ve yet to find a single piece of gold that I could use as is. Every piece requires some cutting or shaping. I’m using nippers and grinder to accomplish this.

I’m really enjoying working on this and watching it come into being.