Continuum, a four-paneled, four seasons-inspired work is my feature for this Friday. This is another one of my mosaics whose creation spanned a number of years. I started it in about 2007and had completed the Spring and Winter panels (first and fourth) and got barely started on the blue portion of the Summer panel (the second) before getting distracted. I had not quite figured out the palette for the rest of it and was not terribly passionate about the whole color-block concept. It was one of those What was I thinking? kind of things.
Continuum (2013) 25" x 49" | 64cm x 124cm (4 panels each 12" x 24" | 30cm x 61cm). Stone, smalti, porcelain, mosaic gold, minerals, broken ceramic, metal, glass, shells, coral, Swarovski crystal. A four seasons-inspired work.
Years later, when cleaning out my studio in 2013, I came upon the panels. The substrates themselves were a little pricy, being aluminum-framed hexite, and there was a lot of fine work and good materials invested so far. I had to decide what to do: Scrap the Winter and Spring panels and remove the bit of blue on Summer, giving me two empty substrates, or finish the darn thing.
Continuum: Summer, detail
Continuum: Summer, detail
Continuum: Fall, detail
Yep! I finished it. It always feels quite satisfying to go back and finish up a work that I had given up on, and then to be happy with the result. I really did enjoy making these, playing with mixing materials and textures. And I like that they can be grouped different ways.