
Almost As Much Fun

Giving away SAMA conference registrations and workshops was almost as much fun as actually going to the conference. And like attending the conference, I got to meet some new people and get to know a bit about them through their scholarship applications. 

Three artists received registration and workshop packages, and two of them received some expense funds, thanks to Krystie Rose Millich and everyone who donated to her fund. You can find all the details here.

As a result of this experience, I have created MESI, the Mosaic Education Scholarship Initiative. I had so much fun that I want to do it again next year. Please consider helping to make it happen by donating.

SAMA Conference Registration Scholarships+


I'm very pleased to announce that I will be awarding two 2015 American Mosaic Summit Full Registration Scholarships this week!! That's right, you've got this week to let me know why its important for you to get to Philadelphia in March to attend this conference. 

For more information, view the application here

Note: Additional funding for the scholarship recipients, to assist with transportation, lodging, and other expenses, is currently underway, thanks to the generous efforts of Krystie Rose Millich, aka TileMosaicGirl. Visit Fund SAMA Conf. Schol. Addl Costs.