All Interior Frequencies posts.
Interior Frequencies is a sub-series of my Frequency Series. I wanted to explore emotional states using this simple linear format and the Kismet palette. I’m using Kismet because it is well-suited to this linear approach and has a fairly good palette. Cutting it in half and placing it on its side offers a smalti-like reflective quality.
I am interested in the exercise of expressing challenging emotional states in such a minimal way. My goal is to just do this for myself, for the exercise of it, and not to produce something that I think is beautiful. This is quite a different thing for me and I am relishing operating outside my usual box.
Interior Frequencies will be a single work comprising of a maximum of 12 pieces. Or maybe 9. Or maybe 6. No less than 6. We’ll just see how things go.
Here is the first in the series, titled Loss. Next up is rage.