After further consideration, I have concluded that the previous piece, #3, is a bit of a setback from #2 with regard to my objective of loosening up. I’m just amazed—and amused— at how challengingly this whole loosening up experiment is going.
Study in Moderation № 4 (2020) 9” x 7” | 23cm x 18cm. Granite, sodalite, smalti, framing spring clips. Indirect, exterior lighting from above.
interior lighting
I did the smalti first and almost tore out that circular, sun-like area; I thought it was TOO loose, too sloppy. I had decided to do that but forced myself to leave it be. Such discipline! 😎 I chose this andamento because I wanted to be able to compare it to #1, and I believe this comparison does show some progress. What do you think? Maybe I am just seeing what I want to see.
Study in Moderation № 4, indirect exterior lighting from above
Study in Moderation № 1
I am encouraged with this #4. It has the degree of looseness as does #2, although the cuts still look too neat, too controlled. I am confident that I have not backtracked. On to #5.
Study in Moderation № 4, side perspective