In June of 2006, I attended an Orsoni 2-week Master Class in Venice. This was a big move for me. Up to that point, I had been learning on my own and mostly focusing on things more decorative. I had attempted some wall art pieces, but was not really thinking of myself as an artist, or even a mosaicist: I was more of a hobbyist.
My master class experience was pivotal in pointing me in the direction of making art and moving from hobbyist to artist. Even now, 24 years after I first dipped my toes in the mosaic world, I don’t strongly identify as an artist. The label just does not feel comfortable to me. I more solidly identify as a mosaicist, I suppose. Most accurate would be someone who loves to make things.
Inspiration photo
L’entrata (2007) 42" x 32" | 107cm x 81cm. Smalti. In a private collection.
Anyway, after returning from the Orsoni class, I decided to make L’entrata, which was inspired by the above left photo that I took from my table in the classroom, which at that time was upstairs. I was so inspired to work more with smalti and took on this rather ambitious representational work. I used only Orsoni smalti and did my best with the palette and skill I had at the time.
I loved working on this despite the huge technical chore I was attempting. As I recall, it took about 5 months for me to finish. I had originally tried to do the door frame with some of the dimension in the photo, but I lacked both the skill and palette to figure it out. So I ripped out the door frame and replaced it with all dark brown.