I'm trying out the the above as a title for my book featuring decorative mosaics. What do you think?
So, the book is moving along! I received submissions from 147 artists from around the world, and reviewed over 700 mosaics. Yikes! I have selected submissions from 54 artists for further consideration.
In the next couple of days, notifications will go out to everyone that submitted, informing them yes or no.
I have pored over all the submissions, and made multiple passes. Even though the criteria for the project was as well-defined as I knew to make it, there were many works that gave me some struggle. The toughest decisions came down to making an admittedly subjective call on what I felt was the decorative nature of a work, especially wall pieces.
My call had a very good response, especially after I extended the deadline. And especially in the last couple of weeks before the deadline. I am very thankful to the mosaic community for its interest and response, and for all those who helped to promote the call and get the word out! THANK YOU!!
Sometime in November, I will have worked enough with the 54 artists to offer more definitive information about the book—the look and feel, so to speak.
Stay tuned...