I'm currently working with someone on a possible residential commission. She has a niche, measuring about 4' x 2' or 3.5' x 2' or 4' x 2.5'—something like that. The niche, in the entry foyer just to the right, is on a concave wall but the niche itself is not curved on the inside—it's like a box set into a curved wall. We are exploring the idea of a mosaic for the back wall of the niche, but a mosaic that is portable and can be removed.
The homeowner is not very familiar with mosaic and admits that her husband is more the art person in the family. She came by my studio a couple of Fridays ago to see some of my work and toss around some ideas. She had no idea what she wanted for the space, but I was able to glean some ideas about her preferences from our visit.
I'm not sure that she will conclude that my work, or even a mosaic, is right for her home, but she did want to move forward and see what I could come up with. I've got a design idea and have prepared some examples to help her better visualize the materials and what I have in mind. She will be by Friday morning to take a look.
Even if she does not like it, I actually love what I've come up with and just might have my next project(s) in the works!