
In Wait

My next project has been in wait for over 3 years now, waiting for me to literally fill in between the lines. Now that I’m back in my studio again, I’ve decided how to finish these out. I settled on a couple of shades of Orsoni gold: 002 and 006. Stay tuned…

Pair of tequila bottles 12" x 3"

End-of-Malaise Bottle?

Since last November, I’ve been totally lacking in mosaic motivation. I attempted a couple of projects only to leave them lingering on my work table, destined to be abandoned. At first, I was a little concerned, but I decided to just go with it and see what happened. If, after some unidentified period of time, I still lacked mosaic mojo, so be it. I’ve just been living life without mosaicking for almost a year, and it has been a very productive time, just not mosaically.

Then, a few of weeks ago, I invested a good chunk of my weekend on a possible commission design. The potential client had been trying to work out a project for months. Each time I thought I would not hear from them anymore, I would hear from them. So, once again, they contacted me and I really did want to help them resolve things, moving ahead with or without me.

I prepared a design with which I could give good cost and time estimates and sent it to them. I highly suspected it was beyond their budget as well as time frame, but I gave it my best shot. Not having heard back from them, I am once again guessing that they have moved on without me.

Spending the time on that design was very good for me, however, and I think it helped to prod me back to mosaic. Well, time will tell about that. Anyway, I decided to mosaic a bottle while I was developing an art piece idea. And here is the bottle.

Amber, Copper, and Gold Bottle 8.5” x 4” | 22cm x 10cm. Vitreous, mirror and Van Gogh glass on Hendrick’s gin bottle.

The main shape of the bottle was easy to work with. The 1/4” squares were cut to size by Mosaics By Maria. The top, however, proved to be a little more demanding. I ended up having to wedge most of the top pieces. It’s not my favorite palette, but I the materials left over from something else.

It did actually feel good to have a project again, and I think I am ready to move on to the art piece. Perhaps my mosaic doldrums have come to an end? Let’s find out!

Four Little Mirrors

I spent the last couple of weeks making these little decorative mirrors. It’s always fun to take a little deco break. The photos are not great, but good enough to show what I’ve been up to. The dark blob in the bottom left of the mirrors is my reflection. Mirror glass is ridiculous to photograph and I just did not want to spend the time on it. Since I’m only blogging it, I decided it was not critically important.

9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror and Van Gogh glass.

9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror and Van Gogh glass.

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9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror and Van Gogh glass.

9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror and Van Gogh glass.

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9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror and Van Gogh glass.

9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror and Van Gogh glass.

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9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror glass.

9” x 9” | 23cm x 23 cm. Mirror glass.

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